MOST Advances STEM Learning By:
- Sharing info on grants, new research, and OST STEM events and programming through our E-Newsletter, Website and Social Media.
- Providing STEM AmeriCorps VISTAs to enhance program capacity building and resources.
- Providing STEM Professional Development through our STEMbassador Learning Communities.
- New! - Launching the Youth STEMbassador Intiative
- Participating in the national Million Girls Moonshot project to attract and engage girls in STEM.
Visit our Youth Development resources page for additional STEM resources.
Youth STEMbassador Initiative
The inaugural Youth STEMbassador cohort will participate in a seven-month learning community with two primary goals:
- Provide youth leader participants with experiences that offer them unique networking and skill-building opportunities to strengthen their STEM college and career readiness.
- Youth leaders will design and execute a project connecting peers or younger students in their communities to STEM learning opportunities.
Million Girls Moonshot
The Million Girls Moonshot is a national initiative that seeks to re-imagine "who can engineer, who can build and who can make." Working in conjunction with the Mott-funded 50 state afterschool network, this coalition aims to provide STEM learning opportunities to a million girls over the next 5 years. The OST environment is perfectly suited for students to pursue STEM avenues and inspire further exploration of STEM careers.