Million Girls Moonshot
The Million Girls Moonshot is a national initiative that seeks to re-imagine "who can engineer, who can build and who can make." Working in conjunction with the Mott-funded 50 state afterschool network, this coalition aims to provide STEM learning opportunities to a million girls over the next 5 years. The OST environment is perfectly suited for students to pursue STEM avenues and inspire further exploration of STEM careers.
As partner to the Millions Girls Moonshot initiative, MOST is hosting a series of workshops and trainings focused on engaging young women interested in STEM fields. The workshops, which feature experts in drone technology, aerospace engineering and construction, will discuss the practical steps needed to develop modern skillsets and find satisfying careers in emerging industries.
MOST is working to advance STEM Learning Statewide By:
- Sharing info on grants, new research, and OST STEM events and programming through our E-Newsletter, Website and Social Media.
- Providing STEM AmeriCorps VISTAs to enhance program capacity building and resources
- Serving on the Executive Committee for BmoreSTEM - Baltimore’s STEM Ecosystem effort.
- Supporting STEM Partners on Quality & Data Collection Supports in partnership with Partnerships in Education and Resiliency (PEAR)
- Launching new initiatives as part of the national Million Girls Moonshot project to attract and engage girls in STEM.
Visit our Youth Development resources page for additional STEM resources.