National AfterSchool Association

MOST is the Maryland Affiliate of the National AfterShool Association. NAA and its State Affiliates share a mutual purpose and agreement to support, develop, and advocate for Out-of-School Time professionals and the profession. NAA and its State Affiliates build connectivity among stakeholders and create opportunities for engagement to ensure a vibrant future for the Out-of-School Time profession.
OST professionals who are not currently paid NAA members and live in Maryland, our state affiliation and Maryland United for Youth Conference registration make you eligible for a free NAA membership. If you prefer, NAA membership may be purchased directly from NAA on a sliding scale from $25 to $150.
Your membership will be automatically included as part of your registration for MD4Y 2024 and registration should be available by August 2024. Conference information will be updated soon.
National Network of Statewide Afterschool Networks
As the Statewide Afterschool Network, MOST is a part of the National Network of Statewide Afterschool Networks, which brings together established statewide afterschool networks in their collective mission to build partnerships and policies that are committed to the development and sustainability of quality afterschool programs. These partnerships – funded through the support of the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation – are focused on actively engaging key decision makers in support of school-based/school-linked afterschool programs, particularly in underserved communities. Currently 50 statewide afterschool networks are funded to coordinate and influence the systems that support the success of children and young people.