Baltimore County Public Schools
Lead Contact Name:
Wanda Willoughby
(443) 887-0174
School District/County:
Baltimore County Public Schools
School District/County
Baltimore County Public Schools
School Name (if applicable)
Sandalwood Elem. School
What kind of programming are you looking for?
Tutoring, Other Services
How many children are you hoping to serve this summer? 250
How many school sites do you hope to find partners for? 1
How many children are you hoping to provide afterschool programming for in 2021-2022 school year? 200
Does your district have a partnership directory or portal? No
- Please share the link if public:
- Uploaded file:
- Contact for partnership directory or portal if any:
Does your district have a process for selecting vendors for afterschool and summer programming? No
- Please share the link if public:
- Uploaded File:
Is your district considering requiring ESSA approval for us of federal recovery fund for afterschool and summer programming?
- Is there a dollar amount that triggers that requirement? What is the amount?: Don't know.
Additional notes/comments: